Monday, December 22, 2008

Finding true center point

When you use the Attributes palette (Window>Attributes) to show the center point of a star or any objects, you'll note that the center point isn't exactly centered. Instead of trying to explain why this occurs (which isn't really important since we can't change it), let's put it the other way, see how to solve the problem and to find the true center point of a star.

Let's test it to see the different, click on the object to select, then just choose Edit>Copy (Command-C [PC: Control-C]), and then Edit>Paste in Front (Command-F [PC: Control-F]). From the Object menu choose Path>Average (Command-Option-J [PC: Control-Alt-J]). In the dialog, click Both for Axis. The point that appears is the true center of the object (Sample as shown below).

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